But it is advertised as being able to withstand rain and even “immesion” (lol @ u) under very shallow water for up to 30 minutes. U dont get the IP67 rating if its not somewhat water-resistant.
Ive dropped my iphone x in the water. And it still seems to be working fine. I dropped it in the toilet (lol @ me) so i then had to wash it under the sink for 30 seconds max. I also regularly take my phone in the steaming hot shower for no longer than 30 minutes. But mine is working ok.
Clearly Apple cannot figure out who really did not SUBMERGE their phone beyond the allowable limits of an IP67 rating, but the original poster claims that it got hit with a few drops of rain. He could be lying. And by taking the phone apart, a trained technician should be able to tell, granted the adhesive they can ALSO be inspected. But i doubt they can check the adhesive. So in short, they can’t really tell what the real problem was. Was it the customer? Or the adhesive?
If it was the adhesive , the Law requires apple to stand by their claims under their own warranty. Since it is clearly poor craftsmanship. And the guy was sold a bunk phone.
If the adhesive was fully intact, and i don’t think there is a way to really check that (at a store level anyway).....then clearly the guy needs to pay up for a new phone. He submerged it beyond the stated IP67 limits to allow water to seep through the cracks of the adhesive.
In any case, advertising that its IP67 water resistant and then turning around and saying you can’t warranty water damage should not be able to hold weight. If they want to advertise it, they should put their money where their mouth is.
I feel a class action law suit coming on. This is their “gorilla glass” con job all over again.
My next phone will be a Samsung. But i do wonder WWSD...