We bought our 2018 Honda Accord 2.0 Sport in January, 2018. In the last 4 months Apple CarPlay has worked a total of one week.
Here are the steps we have taken:
~ Consulted with Apple Care
~ Use original Apple iPhone cord to connect.
~ Update iPhone ios
~ Soft reset on phone
~ Factory ReSet on car Infotainment system
(This keeps it working for only short time)
~ Put in an online repair “ticket” with Honda 3x
~ Spoke with Honda In-Car Technology 2x
~ Registered complaint w Honda Automobile
Customer Service. Betty had me take car into
local dealership.
~ Service manager noted CarPlay “saw” my phone
(icon lit up), but wouldn’t allow to “connect”. It
did not work with his iPhone or cable either, so
he asked service techs to look at it.
~ Within hours service tech said: it is a “known
issue” with Honda. They are working on it; there
is no fix available. Do not replace unit, as won’t
work. As temporary fix they disconnected /
reconnecte battery cable.
~ This temporary fix worked for 5 minutes.
~ Spoke again with Automobile Customer Service.
Options are to wait on Honda to resolve this or
start a proceeding regarding car (Lemon Law?).