HomePod MAC address determination
I just received my HomePod device and I cannot connect it to the network as I require to determine its MAC address (network address) in order to add it as trusted device to the network first.
I am offered to connect either by a WPA2 Enterprise (802.1x) or a not encrypted network. However, in both cases, the MAC address has to be first determined and supplied to a web form to enable the device any access.
As for now, I called Apple support and received the answer that other people have a similar setup and they do not (yet) know how to determine the MAC address. Until then, I am stuck with a HomePod unable to perform the setup process.
Does anyone of you know how to determine the MAC address?
What I tried so far:
1) AirPort Utility app on mac and iOS: do not show the HomePod device.
2) KisMac app on mac: does not show the HomePod device.
3) Wireless diagnostics app on mac: does not show the HomePod device.
Cheers from the UK
HomePod, iOS 11.2.5