Apple Music album artwork not showing?
I recently updated my phone to ios 12 and ever since the album artwork on apple music isn't showing. I know this is a small issue but it is kinda frustrating
I recently updated my phone to ios 12 and ever since the album artwork on apple music isn't showing. I know this is a small issue but it is kinda frustrating
Try clearing out space in your phone. The same issue happened with me despite me trying out all the actions recommended (iCloud music on/off in settings etc). Realised the issue was to do with storage space. Clear out some unused apps, delete a few photos and it should work it’s supposed to.
My phone has over 133 gb of free space so that is not the problem
I can’t add art on the iMac in my iTunes
I have tried everything
the issue isn’t with the phone, it’s an issue definitely in iTunes on the iMac
FINALLY FOUND SOLUTION!!! : delete some storage on your phone (i.e. videos, pictures, music etc) and keep deleting things until the art work shows - it's not a glitch, it's just apple is trying to save you more space by not downloading the cover art.
Because of some conflict with my windows device, I had to properly reinstall iTunes. At the opening I was asked if I wanted to share information on my library with apple, it was written that this might help synchronizing devices and displaying artwork. While the iTunes app on windows wasn't giving me any problem till this day, I've been experiencing issues on my iPhone 5s with iTunes for a while.
Now everything is downloaded and displayed correctly.
The privacy setting can be modified on the windows application as following: Edit>Preferences>Store and tick the "Share details about your library with Apple".
Hope this can help.
The issue was not with my iPhone X XS max
The issue was actually with my iTunes on my desktop iMac
When I import a song I cannot put any kind of cover art with it
The Apple support team and I run the phone together for a long time
A case has been open and they’re working on it but still no end in sight
I don’t have any issues when I’m putting art with any of the movies that I’ve imported
The issue is strictly with the music and all I get is a music note when I’m playing it back instead of any type of cover art
Again this is on my iMac that I’m having the issues with not the phone
None of the stuff in this comment section worked for me except taking my iCloud off the phone and adding it again along with my apple music. That only lasted for a little while but what actually worked for me was just deleting apps and freeing up space on my iPhone.
i did what everyone said to do, which was turning the icloud music on and off and the first few times i did it it worked, but i did it again and now a majority of the artwork for ALL the music on my library is gone.
Not sure why there is not an APPLE solution to this yet (or at least I cannot find one posted) but I did find a fix for this bug myself.
This issue she seems to be centered around “downloaded music”. Whenever I added new albums, the artwork wold not show up until I went into “downloaded music”, selected an album, and did delete > remove downloads. Sometimes I had to do a few, but all the recent added albums artwork would magically show up.
Everytime this issue occurred again, I would just delete a downloaded album (again just the stored music, not remove from library).
So naturally I got to the point where artwork was not showing up, but I had nothing left to remove from downloads. The solution to this is super dumb, and proves something very BUGGY is going on.
Select an album in your library. Downloaded it to phone. Once it’s done. Delete the downloads. All the blank album artwork showed up instantly.
Apple. Fix this crap...
I'm having this exact same issue. but even when I restart my phone the album covers still don't show up. It's gotten to the point that even my playlist don't have a cover and every song/ album I've added lacks and album cover. I'm not sure what to do...
Have you tried my method above?
Select an album in your library that is not downloaded to phone. Download it to phone. Once it’s done. Delete the downloads. All the blank album artwork showed up instantly.
In my case, I had this warning asking me to optimize storage in my settings menu. So I've suggested that iPhone might have stopped downloading art just to keep storage. So I went to my Photo album, deleted few photos and videos, cleared recycle bin and...It helped!
To be honest, I did a hard reset on my iPhone. Literally erasing everything off the phone and restoring it back with one of my recent backups. It worked, but do it at your OWN RISK, I lost some things that I don't think I can get back even with the backup. I have over 1000+ songs and at least 75% of my albums artwork wasn't showing. YES, you do need space in order for it show. NO you don't have to update your phone to the latest software update. It worked for me by doing this, just beware what you're getting yourself into before performing the action.
So im not entirely sure what u read/ tried but what worked for me (instantly) was freeing up storage. I deleted about 5-7 useless apps and 30 photos and were all good again. Ive had this problem for 2 months... then boom back in order
I know I’m a little late to the discussion but I’ve been having the same issue and have tried most of the suggestions but to no avail. Bizarrely I deleted an app (as recomended by someone on here) to free up storage and all my artwork appeared even though I have 30Gb of storage remaining on my phone. Mad but it worked for me.
I am having the exact same issue, very frustrating. Only occurring on my phone, artwork showing fine on my MacBook
Apple Music album artwork not showing?