The apple Genius Bar tech (techs actually because more than one, including the store manager, collaborated during my last appointment) disagree with your assessment I’m afraid. Since they actually work for Apple I feel that I should follow their instructions and I will be speaking with the upper level engineer as they requested me to. Please do not feel the need to reply to me again, with your opinion that the issues are not related. Believe me when I say that I have heard your opinion loud and clear, numerous times now, and I have thanked you for your input even though I might not agree with it. If, in the end, it turns out that the issues truly are not related, wonderful, there’s been no harm done by me further investigating the issue. If it turns out that they are related then I will have made a step forward in helping others with this issue. Whichever the case may be, the time I spend working with the engineers is mine, and doesn’t affect you in any way, so I’m not really sure why you are so invested in my actions. Thank you again for your input and I hope you have a good day.