PowerBeats Pro shutting down with battery
When using my Powerbeats Pro, the left earpiece shuts down randomly, even if it shows more than 80% battery on my iPhone. This only happens with the left one, the right one works normally.
When using my Powerbeats Pro, the left earpiece shuts down randomly, even if it shows more than 80% battery on my iPhone. This only happens with the left one, the right one works normally.
How is this marked as solved? This isn't solved. I don't see any response that tells me how to fix my Powerbeats other than buying a new set or earbud and they aren't old enough for that to be a reasonable suggestion. This is disappointing and it really makes me question why I went with the apple product/s in the first place.
I have had mine looked at thrice by Apple Technicians in the last two months with no fault being found.
The speed with which the earbuds lose and gain battery power back suggests that this has to be a software issue!
if you look at the previous comments a few guys also bought a new earbud to replace the “faulty” one but it still is recurring, dying at 55%. you might be just one of those few that really do have a faulty battery in one earbud but for the rest its a software problem.
I truly have the 55% issue in my right earbud and have for months. As soon as I plug my old right earbud in, it boots right up and last for an hour or less. It dies at 55% every time. Not sure if it’s a hardware or software issue, but the old right earbud can’t be fixed by pairing with a new left earbud, new case or a firmware update.
Also, the new right earbud that I purchased does have about 10% longer battery life than my 2 year old left earbud. I’m not promoting buying a new earbud on eBay for $50-$60, but that certainly resolved the issue in my specific case.
I have the same problem with the right earphone. it discharges very quickly and turns off. I put it in the case and immediately shows 55%. I take it out and I can still use it. He sits down again. Again, the case shows 40%. I immediately take it out and can continue to use it.
I see that the problem is most present when I use the microphone. if you do not use a microphone, but only listen to audio, the problem does not arise.
Not really brave, I still have doubts but I am sick and tired of my right side powerbeats pro dying after an hour of working out, it messes with my motivation to keep on working out. So far the beats fit pros have been great so far, better sound quality and can last up to 6 hours, and really comfortable compared to powerbeats pros. Im a satisfied customer for sure, just hope that they don’t exhibit the same things the powerbeats pro are doing after 2 years of use.
The same thing is happening to me since a few months. Left earbud shuts down at around 55%, but mostly when working with my macbook pro (Mac OS 12.2.1), means the microphone is in use.
As the PBP still had warranty I send them back for repair but they said that no damage can be found and that they should work fine. :D Also think this is a firmware problem. Does anybody have a fix yet????
My problem isn’t that they’ve stopped working for me after two years because I’ve used them an INSANE amount in those two years with very minimal issues. My problem is that if this is something that can just be fixed with an update that Apple apparently refuses to provide us with.
Well, it happened again today with my left bud after less than 20 minutes on during a Zoom call. Both buds were fully charged. I had been already 2 hours on the meeting using my AirPods Pro and had to switch to the PBP while recharging the AirPods Pro. Very disappointing to see no fix to this.
will we see fixes for this problem? is unknown. but there is still no firmware with fixes. they do it for a very long time. do they do it at all?
I no longer see the point of buying apple headphones.
as I see, apple headphones have reduced the shelf life to 1.5 - 2 years.
I see where this problem was solved, but I can't find the answer. What is the fix, if there is one? I am having the issue of the left earpiece dying with 55% battery left. This just started happening for me about two weeks ago. and the left one appears to have faster battery drain than the right. 55% left ear, 80% right ear after being used for the same amount of time. and can anyone tell me what the current firmware version is supposed to be? I cannot seem to find much about what is should be or how to update.
April 2022, same issue. Took beats into genius bar. Was told they could be sent in for a repair fee of $79. One day later, service center says they received product and couldn't reproduce issue so are shipping back the original product. Awesome, I guess I've enjoyed what amounts to a $100/year headphone rental fee since they are now worthless.
Showed this thread to the genius and they said there's nothing they can do unless it's on an official "recognized issues" list that they have. Basically it was a "***** for you" attitude with no recourse.
I'll be returning to Bose, whose over-ear noise cancelling headphones I've been using for over a decade.
I've now sent them to Apple twice and both times they've been shipped back to me within a day claiming that repair facility was unable to replicate the issue. A supervisor said they'd be replaced when sent in the second time, but instead they just said they couldn't replicate and sent back (again). After following up with another supervisor about this, they said they had no record that a replacement was supposed to happen and the only thing that could be offered would be to send them to repair a third time. Supervisors don't seem to be able to talk to each other and don't talk to the repair center. The customer cannot contact the repair center.
After many hours wasted and two attempts to send them back to Apple for repair and replacement, I'm beginning to accept that the product will never work again and that the issue will never be acknowledged or supported.
Better luck to all of you.
For all those who are looking for a solution to the problem:
Buy a replacement earbud on eBay for $50. That’s it. You can pair it with your existing case and non-defective earbud.
I did this several months ago and haven’t had issues since.
There’s no magic firmware update to fix your existing earbud. The new earbud that you buy won’t develop the problem after a firmware update either. In my experience, the new earbud actually lasts a little bit longer than my existing 2 year old good earbud.
I hope this saves a bunch of people some headache.
The absolute exact same thing is happening to my right powerbeats pro earbud. It just shuts down at 55% exactly how you have described described problem. ios is updated to latest version. It started 2 weeks ago but happens every time I use them. Very hard to have a great workout when this happens. How do we complain to apple - or is being on this support page enough?
@Apple, this problem is not resolved. There are so many people waiting for a reply and a fix for their product. Either stop selling these products and stop making money from them or keep supporting them by fixing a very common bug.
PowerBeats Pro shutting down with battery