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iOS 15.2 Battery Drain

Is anyone experiencing battery drain since updating to iOS 15.2? If so, any tips for what to do about it? I just updated this morning. Thanks!

iPhone 12 Pro Max

Posted on Dec 14, 2021 11:51 AM

237 replies

Jan 22, 2022 7:56 AM in response to raffeph

raffeph wrote: "Will IOS 15.3 correct the battery drainage problem..."

As fellow users, we don't know whether iOS 15.3 will correct the battery drainage problem.

"...or should I not bother upgrading software."

Nobody here can advise you whether or not to upgrade software.

"Note this is last time I am going to buy any Apple product. The lack of response from the company is unacceptable."

Since we're just fellow users, tell Apple that:

Apple Product Feedback

Contacting Apple


Jan 27, 2022 12:23 PM in response to iPhoneInRio

iPhoneInRio wrote: "WTH Apple?!?! Please fix ASAP with another update!!"

iPhoneInRio ~ Although Apple administers these communities, that doesn't include reading each of thousands of daily posts for possible feedback. However, Apple will "read all feedback carefully" here:

iPhone Feedback

iOS 15.3 was released yesterday – see if that fixes it.


Dec 15, 2021 11:56 AM in response to runawaygringo

As posted in the 15.1 battery drain thread, some of the fixes that I found might help with 15.2 as well. I'm talking about drain that persists for more than the 1-3 days after an update while Spotlight is indexing. I had my iPhone 13 Pro Max and iPad Mini 6 BOTH draining enough to run dry in 20 hours of standby, and fixed it completely, so I'm still on 15.1 with no issues..

1) Turn off Apple News Widget on your Home Screen if you have it configured. I had seen that Apple News was using a lot of battery in "Settings > Battery" and I wasn't using it. Turning off background app refresh made no difference in battery use and drain in the background. Then I discovered the widget hiding on the screen to the left of the Home Screen that has my app icons, and turned it off. That reduced my drain from 5-7% per hour to only 3-5% per hour. I also turned off most of the other widgets except Calendar, Reminders, and Battery level for bluetooth accessories (watch, and AirPods).

  • Turning off other widgets had no impact on battery drain.
  • Turning off push mail had no impact to improve battery.
  • Turning off Background app refresh had no impact on improving battery.
  • ONLY AFTER I removed Apple News Widget did low power mode make a difference in drain, and in Low power mode I could get though a 16-18 hour day without plugging into power. But not till I did #2 below could I turn off low power mode.

2) I had my iPhone 13 Pro Max and iPad Mini 6 paired with my iMac and MacBook 16", and had "show this iPad/iPhone when connected with WiFi" turned on. I "Reset Network Settings" which broke this pairing, and COMPLETELY solved my battery drain issue. I was later able to plug my devices back into my iMac and pair/Trust them, but I made sure to turn OFF "show this iPad/iPhone when connected with WiFi" when I Trusted them, and the drain has not come back.

Apparently the WiFi network connection between iDevice and Macintosh computer maybe has the iDevice phoning home continuously in 15.1, even when you are not on the home, and this system resource is still draining the battery regardless of low power mode or not. But my best guess is that when the iDevice is NOT looking out for the computer constantly, with "show this device on wifi", then the drain goes away completely FOR ME. This might not be your problem.

Dec 27, 2021 11:12 AM in response to Andron83

A few problems here

  1. Mine is working fine so what is it they should fix?
  2. Have you gone to Settings > General > Battery and checked to see if some process/app is causing the problem?
  3. Apple is not here, you are just yelling at fellow users. Click on the Get Support link at the top right of this page to contact Apple Support and yell at them.
  4. While you wife may have good battery life she is missing some critical security updates that were released.

Jan 2, 2022 1:10 PM in response to DocJekyl

DocJekyl wrote:

What is strange is that on 15.0.2 my Apple News widget didn’t suck down 2-4% battery per hour, and my connection to my iMac and MacBook 16” didn’t suck down 3-4% of my battery per hour, and yet with 15.1 they did.

Now that it’s fixed with reset network settings and no apple news widget I’m afraid to go to 15.2 yet. THOSE 2 THINGS FIXED ME. SEE BELOW (everyone should look at all the possible fixes till apple resolved this).

With 15.1 installed I started to lose 4-7% battery per hour combined when both the widget and the Wi-Fi connection to iMac were active, and only lose 4-5% after turning off Apple News widget on both devices. Reset network settings brought me to lose a little under 1% per hour, but it used to only drain about 1% per 2 hours or so.

IPAD - After turning off Apple News widget my iPad would still only last 20 hours on a charge in standby, ie IF I DID NOT TOUCH IT OR USE IT during the 20 hours. Now I can use it for about 2 hours a day over a 3 day period before I need to charge it (or a solid 10 hours in one day). I have used it with screen on for 3 hours today, 24 minutes screen off, and I have 66% charge remaining - normally I only use it about 1-2 hours a day. It used to last a week if using it 1 hour a day.

IPHONE 13 PRO MAX - After 15.1 update I was dropping to 50% or so after only 6-7 hours off the charger with 2-3 hours of screen on usage. My days are usually 10am to 3am, and it would be dead by 10pm if I didn’t top it off. Now after reset network settings and not turning on Wi-Fi syncing, I can have 50% left at 3am the next day.

I unplugged from charger the other day at 10AM and used my iPhone for 9 hours and 14 min SCREEN ON and 25 min screen off, with 45% charge left at 3AM the next morning! Today I unplugged at 11am and 7 hours later I am at 83% with 2 hours of use during that time, so not quite as good as the other day. But still, that would be 8 hours of use over 28 hours with 32% left if the trend continued.

No way an I going to 15.2 if other people didn’t have problems prior to 15.2, like what if my fixes break and there is another problem causing it? Apple doesn’t pay me enough to beta test and trouble shoot their OS. oh, wait…

Inspired by your story I decided to do an experiment. I cut off internal connectivity in my wireless LAN (each device can communicate with internet, but the they cannot see each other). The results are quite interesting so far:

  1. 1st iPhone - battery consumption decreased from 6%/10h to ~0%/10h (no noticeable battery consumption within 8 hours!). This iPhone is using appleId account which is currently not used on any computer - only this device.
  2. 2nd iPhone connected to my actively used appleId account which is also active on my macBook - a bit better but not much.

Funny thing is that I'm just migrating my data to new account and before the migration iPhone with new account consumed much less power.

So definitely - something's going on here with data exchange (?) between different devices connected to one account.

I'll try to make some more experiments. Looks like the best idea is to just migrate all "iCloud like" stuff (contacts, calendar, etc.) which needs synchronization between devices to competition and use different appleId accounts on different devices.

It's so irritating - Apple is showing off with its focus on battery consumption. But ... only those not from Apple. How come list of active apps is empty and at the same time phone drains 25%/10h battery. It's really unfair.

Jan 4, 2022 9:49 AM in response to DocJekyl

DocJekyl wrote:


i’m so sorry that RESET NETWORK SETTINGS is not working for everybody....
....and I REFUSE TO LEAVE IOS 15.1.1 since Apple has not fixed 15.2 either. 15.2 MIGHT HAVE A NEW PROBLEM causing this.

  1. I think hardly anybody connects iPhones to computers these days, so anyway this "trust computer" case would hardly be the reason of battery drain. BTW. I've read somewhere that it's enough to reset Privacy Settings to "untrust" computer. It seems to be less harmful that resetting "network setting", doesn't it?
  2. It think it's pretty good idea to stay @15.1.1. 15. 2 is about new features (already delayed afaik), which nobody wants, and which sole input to user experience will possibly be another source of possible bugs and EVEN MORE (Apple's saying from their presentations which I hate) battery drain. Maybe I'm exaggerating but really, my feelings toward Apple could hardly be described politely (so I won't write anything).

Feb 11, 2022 12:15 PM in response to runawaygringo

Ok - iPhone 6s, I literally changed out the battery 48hours ago, at an Apple authorized location. This also prompted a iOS scan & then did the download latest version 15.3.1

I have been hashing out my iPhone for over 24hr, looking for the leaks, that are draining things

  • till I read that people where all experiencing the drain, did I look at apples software as the culprit. This update iOS is causing my cellphone to
  • finish a complete Re charged battery in less than 12hours, taking into account a few calls & texts & trouble shooting steps.

  • The battery software keeps placing messages ie ( Backgd -6min, under app) example// or (background activity) or under phone icon it says (low signal,audio).
  • I have tried to find out where these numbers are coming from.
  • I know my iPhone 6 doesn’t have these issues, that’s because it’s iOS us not been updated. I have duplicated actions done on 6s & my iPhone 6 (which has a battery that is not 100%)
  • the iPhone 6 leveled out at 77% remaining on charge, & iPhone 6s was 18%. I charged its battery fully before the test & the iPhone 6, I charged 2days ago.

help - can some one roll back the iOS?

side note is that in settings I keep getting this message listed above the settings features.( about being prepared for data transfer to new iPhone)

i have no new phone, & those background messges are under apps that have been closed & deleted & signed out of ie Apple App Store

Dec 20, 2021 10:15 PM in response to runawaygringo

yeah i got the update about a week ago, but i didn't get a battery effect until today. so i left for a class i have every monday from 7-8, and the battery drained like 10% in 1.5 hours. It was normal for the ENTIRE day at school (keep in mind that my school has bad wifi, so it drains it faster than at home) all the way until the evening, and then that happened while my battery was at home. the strange thing is, it drained more with no background activity at all than when i actually had my screen on, as you can see the usage from 6-7 in the first pic vs 7-8 in the second pic. my questions are: why did it just happen now, AKA a week after the update, why did it happen at home with A) better wifi AND service than at school, and B) NO background activity whatsoever??? and why did it just happen from 7-8? it was normal for the entire **** day, even after school! I was planning on enjoying a movie on it all throughout my class 😭

Dec 27, 2021 8:26 PM in response to deggie

Can anyone tell me what the problem is? It’s been like this since iOS 14.6 and my screen off time has consistently been high even though I check my apps and nothing is using a lot of background activity. It’s gotten so bad to the point that my phone drains by the minute sometimes. I have the 12 pro max that is barely a year old and it should not be having this many problems. At one point this was a 2 day 14-16 hour phone with heavy use. Now it’s barely a 7 hour phone. Thanks apple!!!!!!

Jan 1, 2022 2:15 PM in response to DocJekyl

It seems like a lot of battery drain problems could have its roots in continuous exchange of information between devices: your case of wireless connection between computer and iPhone or communication with AirTags.

It looks like 15.2 bug is affecting different people in different ways, but for me - definitely removing AirTag in FindMy was a good idea. Left part of the picture - AirTag connected, right part - AirTag disconnected + some charging @10am + activity @15 (3pm). The difference is huge, isn't it.

It's very sad to see continuous degradation of Apple's software quality. It seem like they launched too many products and features, like FindMy, AirTags, SharePlay, etc. and are loosing control over quality of their products.

EDIT. "Funny" thing. It seems like I lost my AirTag. It's disconnected from my current account but not available to reuse for same/different account. One more sign of quality degradation. It's pathetic, really.

Jan 15, 2022 9:11 AM in response to BasCelik

Same story. My SE 1st Gen (same configuration as 12mini) - no battery drain when not used (but huge battery consumption for plain music playing in background! - 11pm -1am).

My 12 mini ... no comments. Significant battery drain is the phone playing music or left unused.

Interesting part on the right. I charged the device using no-name Qi charger (9-12am). After that - no battery charge drop visible. Needs some more time for conclusions.

iOS 15.2 Battery Drain

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