Looks like AirDrop is the only reliable solution for now.
When connecting an iPhone, iTunes shows “Assertion failure: err == (-43)” in the Console. But that may not be entirely the issue, since only iTunes was updated when detecting an iOS 16 device: not sure if the problem is with the updater not updating iTunes AND Photos or just iTunes alone.
On plugging in the phone with a new image, and asking for Photos to import new items, Console shows “[00002967] Request Download: IMG_7916.JPG”, but shortly afterwards, the process PTPCamera declares, in a nutshell, that MD5 failed, and that the host layer will retry later if possible. It then goes on to declare that it received an invalid transaction size, and then aborts the process.
Looks to me as though the Photos application is at fault, as per the information that the Console log is churning out. The library item “RKImageCaptureManager” in PhotoApp is not able to import the items.
Work to be done by Apple here, methinks. Anyone filed a bug report yet?