I would like my son’s phone to be disabled except for the “always allowed apps” from 9pm-6am most days...check
I want to allow for 3 hours from 6am-9pm. This is where I use the “add limits”....check
BUT-the limit isn’t legit because he can just add a minute add a minute add a minute..........EPIC FAIL!
Regarding the suggestions to add a time limit for 1-minute, that doesn’t work when you aren’t trying to disable everything at once. Good concept, but it doesn’t work when you already have a limit set.
What would be GREAT is for parents to be able to select if we want the “one more minute” option-or even give us a time frame (so, it gives a warning when 5 minutes is coming to be done and we allow them to REQUEST 5 more minutes-or however long-and we grant that each time, based on the situation). With this we should also be allowed to NOT have it as an option for kiddos to request additional time at all.
more than frustrated right now-which seems to be how MANY families feel on here!