Let’s see if I can explain what I think is happening and why it seems that no matter what you block and ask to be sent to the trash still seems to be coming back. Let’s use an insurance company as an example. Okay AAA sells insurance and wants you to buy it, so they have a sales rep contact you and you say “no thank you”. End of story right? NO, because they have many, many, many sales people all over the country that do the same job and they all use the same list of names and numbers to contact people with, so if you’re on that list and you get contacted by one of the sales people and you politely decline, there are many, many more from the same company that you haven’t spoken to yet, but eventually you WILL.
Remember, that when you block someone you are actually blocking an email address and NOT a company. So AAA@scamartist.com is not the same as AAA@ripoffartist.com and there are hundreds if not thousands of those behind most of the repetitive emails you get. So now when you block AAA you’re not really blocking AAA just one of its many sales people.
To check this, the next time you get an email from someone you’re sure you blocked earlier, write the email address down an go look for it in your blocked address list. I would be very surprised if you find that latest address is already in the list.
P.S. APPLE could fix this by simply changing the blocking rules to read “block the company/product and not the email address”. But they haven’t! They must be making money by allowing this to continue.