I try that too and that doesn't help either. When I unlock, with or without raise to wake, and using rest figner to open and unlock phone. When just raise to wake or if its off and pressing home or power button to wake the phone, back light is so dimmed and its like step by step going from dimmest to brightest, its like dimmest, after half a second its on half brightness and other second is at full brightness. Its sooooo lagging even with backlight turning on, and press or rest finger to unlock then there is no animation and smoothness when unlock, ist just so slow that miss some animations and go straight to home screen, and after 2-3 sec it came to life and work just fine after that, sometimes when switching from app to app it lags. And when it works fine, just lock it and unlock it and again it lags and everything With back light keybpard for 3-5 second, rarely lags goes over 5 sec, and again after that it works fine... sometimes when I type no mater what app is, keyboard just freezes for 1-2 sec and when unfreeze it types everything I type when it was frozen... its so many bugs in this ios then I ever before and its frustrating... I have old android from 2010 and it works better with way less lag than this ios 14,4. What Im noticing 14.1 then 14.2, 14,3 14,4, with every newer update this bugs going from bad to worse, and being more and more laggy and worst with every new update.