derrickfromvic wrote:
I'm unsure of using the app EtreCheck however. Firstly, since my issue began with the upgrade to Big Sur 11.3 it is likely that this is the source of the problem, not my mac and from what I've read it's the hardware that is being checked. Perhaps I'm wrong?
that is wrong on both points. problems after an upgrade are, more often than not, software issues that were not an issue with older software but become an issue when carried over to the new macOS. and, yes, etrecheck checks your hardware, but it also checks installed software. the report can show us if there is any software known to cause issues installed on your mac. and it automatically removes any and all things that are sensitive info, so there's no worry in sharing the report here.
as far as the free version versus the paid version, the free version is more than adequate for most users, and will give us the info we need to be able to isolate which software is causing your issue. if you don't want to use it, that's your choice, but it kind of limits us on how to help you without playing 100 questions.
and finally, we don't get any compensation from etrecheck for recommending it. it just helps us to help you.