I have had quite a bit of frustration around this. I downloaded 50gb of music before a week long trip out of cell service. As soon as I left cell service none of the music I had downloaded with exception to the music I had already played at least once while having service on the drive down.
none of the other downloaded music I had downloaded would play longer than 15 seconds.
the next day, still out if service, I open my phone and the music no longer works at all. We boated to cell service shortly and it after that it started to play 15 seconds again but only 15 seconds of everything. I assume this is because I didn’t listen to any music while I had service and it didn’t download the whole thing or something.
I have since then flown on 2 different occasions, 4 legs, where I’ve had this same issue. Music all stops at 15 seconds unless I had listened to it on the car ride over.
any music that is downloaded also takes much longer to load, and won’t allow me to move to a different time point in the song. Music that isn’t download tends to load quicker and smoother while in service.
I have tried I deleting and re-downloading music, as well as offloading the app and reinstalling it with no success yet.
im hoping for a fix on this soon, as it’s making the experience quite difficult as of now.
iPhone 12 mini