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iPhone 8/ 8 plus home button cracked

I have been using my iPhone 8 for a little over 6 weeks. Last night I plugged in my phone to charge and walked away for about an hour. When I came back the phone had turned off and I observed a hairline crack running across the home button. The phone was not dropped or even touched during this time. It honestly just spontaneously cracked. I know that the iPhone 7 had a similar issue but I was not able to find anyone that had experiences a similar issue with the iPhone 8.

I called Apple care and they advised that it would be anywhere from 99-600 dollars to have the home button replaced. Has anyone had a similar issue with their iPhone 8 or 8 plus? Thank you.

Posted on Nov 9, 2017 1:29 PM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on May 28, 2018 8:04 PM

Here you go, I have changed some details but you get the jist. Also I cant share the email address as it pertains to my particular Apple case ID and mine has been closed. You will need to reply to the email you receive from the Apple rep.I hope this helps your case and I hope this gets more traction to get the wider issue looked at.

Firstly, thank you for your great customer service and support yesterday and making an
exception to fix my iPhone 8 + screen due to the home button cracking itself.
However, this is not the end of the issue and I will list them below;

  • I went to Oobe in Wellington NZ yesterday and the guy advised based on the notes that Apple will fix the screen (home button included) free of charge however any other damage resulting from this issue they will not cover.
  • He asked me to wipe my phone but back it up first at home – I tried to update it then back it up but the phone, either hardware or software, has corrupted terribly and now it has been restored to factory with several issues to me personally.
    1. I lost ALL my data as it would not update and self-restored to factory settings – I had a lot of baby photos from January (we had a newborn on Jan 3rd) and I hadn’t backed up my phone as we moved into my in-laws house while we
      build our house so my computer is in storage making it difficult to do my once a month back up to my PC. I also had some personal notes not backed up anywhere which is also painful. I never thought my 7 month old phone would break so quickly.
    2. The phone after restoring still will not boot up to the hello screen or anything else so I used an existing back up to restore to the phone and that did not work so it keeps looping through apple logo, bar loading and then black screen which suggest it could be something more than just the screen itself, it could be a hardware or software issue that you advised would not be covered as only
      the screen replacement is covered by Apple.
  • I have logged a claim with my insurance company as I think this will not be resolved as easily as I think and this will cost me $200 excess as well as a penalty on my non-claims bonus. This is pending and I haven’t undertaken this course of action yet but the claim is lodged.
  • I did some further research on this issue and found many threads that replicate exactly what happened to me and my device. Reading the comments reiterated to me that I did not drop or bang my phone but this happened on its own via some faulty hardware or just pure bad design. Below are the threads I have looked at and most come from the Apple community forums on the Apple website. I will
    restate; I did not drop the phone, I did not bump it against anything, I did not handle it roughly prior to the damage and I never have. I had used it with no issues, then 5 mins later charged it, then not long after I pulled out the lightning cable and placed into my pocket but had not checked the phone so it could have been damaged by then. I went to the bathroom and kitchen and after 5 mins I went to my desk pulled it out of my pocket and saw the damage. It sits in a Otterbox symmetry case with a screen protector on it – it is cared for as if it is one of my children and cost me $1449 NZD which I still have not fully paid for yet.
  • Here are the threads I mentioned and they all have a common theme – they were charging it and came back to see damage. Could it be that the charging is causing this issue:
    1. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8153835 - my phone looks exactly as the picture in this thread
    2. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8269914
    3. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8308437
    4. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8250804 - this is exactly my issue
    5. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8069340 - subject line refers to iPhone 7 but some comments mention iPhone 8
    6. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7742979 - also iphone 7 related but they use the same/similar hardware for the home
    7. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8093709
    8. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8046417
There are many more of these re iPhone 7 on Apple’s website and from other websites but I think you get the point.
Im very frustrated that I can easily see a common theme here but Apple doesn’t – I have wasted time, energy and money on this issue and Apple hasn’t accepted liability they have only just made an “exception” for me where I see a bigger issue.
I am tempted to go to my commerce commission, Fair Go (NZ TV show that deals with consumers being ripped off) and our media outlets to vent my frustration and make this known to the wider community.
My main concern is that this may happen to other people and they go through the same process as me and get frustrated and potentially lose all their data (like I did which is causing me a massive headache and my new-borns pictures from his birth cannot be recovered ).
This shouldn’t happen and the response from Apple’s reps is unacceptable.
I will await your response before proceeding with what action I will take.
Please reply as quickly as you can as I need to make a decision soon.
255 replies

May 4, 2018 7:37 PM in response to Emcampb2

I'm taking mine to the Apple Store tomorrow but after reading a lot of these I don't have much hope on getting it resolved. Which really stinks because I didn't do anything to mine, it was sitting on the counter and it just randomly broken, went in to the Apple loop but finally came back after about 20 minutes of being plugged into a laptop. I can use it will the assistance button on but it shouldn't happen to a phone that is months old!

May 9, 2018 5:01 AM in response to Emcampb2

Did anyone have a solution without having to put money? I had the same problem. Yesterday I left my house for the office and when I arrived, the home button broke without hitting it. I am disappointed with Apple for this and if you do not give me a solution without putting money, I will never buy an Apple product and I would not recommend it to anyone else.

May 9, 2018 5:55 AM in response to brujalp

Unfortunately looks like we’re gonna have to pay!!! I’m absolutely livid. I’ve also been quoted 3 different prices from Apple. First $169, then $220 now $240. I am so upset that investing this much money into a phone to have it break in 3 months. My suggestion is pay to get it fixed and sell the piece of crap. Hopefully if Apple recognizes this issue soon we will be refunded the money to fix the screen. Also can’t even get it fixed any where other than Apple because apparently they are the only ones who have the program to connect the home button to the screen or some BS like that. So disappointed :(

May 10, 2018 8:58 AM in response to Emcampb2

I haven't had the same issue, as I have an iPhone 6S Plus. My guess is it overheated from the wireless charging and that cracked the home button. I'm not an expert, so I don't know for sure, but since I've heard that the wireless charging makes the phone warmer it would make sense. I know wireless charging isn't new, but since it's newer for Apple there's probably bugs to still be worked out with the glass and how it charges. I know when I get an iPhone X or 8 Plus I'll probably still be using the wired charging.

May 22, 2018 7:49 PM in response to Emcampb2

So, I have the exact same issue. It happened today and im pi$$ed. I was on the phone looking at emails and facebook, went to the bathroom it was in my pocket, went to the kitchen came back to my desk, took the phone out and it looks exactly like the picture posted below. No lies...exactly the same. Now I didnt drop it, didnt bump my leg/pocket/phone, didnt have keys in my pocket - just the phone. Rang Apple and got put through to a senior advisor??? and after explaining and being put on hold she decided to repair the screen at their cost which is nice but begs the question...do they know about this? She said as I am a loyal customer they are repairing it but I think it's as they know about an issue so repairing it. I could be wrong....oh did I mention I have an expensive otterbox case and screen protector, now they'll need a home button protector.

May 23, 2018 1:41 PM in response to kattown

But wait there's more....Apple said they would pay for the screen only and nothing else. My phone looks like it has internal damage of some sort as I cant get into it and factory restoring didn't work - it keeps looping until battery died. Make matters worse I hadn't backed up my phone (yes my fault) as I have moved into my in-laws while we build a house and my computer is in storage. We had a baby in January and I have lost all the pictures and my notes etc all gone from their defective product (again my fault for not backing it up but I never predicted my 7 month old phone would break like this). Im pretty angry at this all especially when not only are they suspecting me of causing the damage but only repairing the screen and nothing else...it's not only a matter of the time and money wasted but the precious moments of my child I will never get back 😠

May 23, 2018 3:30 PM in response to jbzlez

jbzlez wrote:

Make matters worse I hadn't backed up my phone (yes my fault) as I have moved into my in-laws while we build a house and my computer is in storage. 😠

Do they have WiFi? If so, back up to iCloud using WiFi.

(again my fault for not backing it up but I never predicted my 7 month old phone would break like this).

Backing up shouldn't be something you should do only if you think something is about to go wrong. It should be something you do every day, just like brushing your teeth. The truth of the matter is that it's not a question of if something will go wrong but when. You could lose your phone or have it stolen as well.

If you use iCloud back up, all you have to do is connect the phone to plug it in at night, make sure it's connected to WiFi and lock the screen. It will back up on its own.

May 23, 2018 6:05 PM in response to jbzlez

jbzlez wrote:

You realise you need to pay for storage above 5gb right (or 10gb I forget).

A dollar a month will get you 50 gigs of storage. Seems like a small price to pay for saving those precious pictures. You can also back up your photos to Google Photos which gives quite a bit of space for free.

let's talk about that not my inability to back up my device.

Nothing said by anyone here will make any difference in Apple's decision so there's really not much to talk about.

May 23, 2018 6:53 PM in response to IdrisSeabright

I totally accept it was my fault that I didn't back up my data and in terms of paying for storage, I refuse to pay Apple any more money than they already get from me as I have tonnes of hard drive space available to back things up myself. The fact I didn't do it, yeah that's on me. I've accepted it, moved on and am looking at the broken device I have and am trying to help others that have this same issue because I've just gone through it and still going through it and it's frustrating. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Furthermore, I beg to differ that "nothing said by anyone here will make a difference." I've just had a phone call from the Apple rep after I sent a detailed email to her with the multitude of Apple threads/posts links about this issue and the fact that so many have had it happen and have commented in the Apple forums has actually pressed my case further and they are now actively involved in trying to resolve this issue for me. The rep may not come to the party and offer me a full refund or new phone but by seeing the amount of evidence via the forums this raised concerns for her and her team to investigate. It may be lip service but I'm about to get it checked by an expert who I hope will further my case that they have faulty components/hardware.

The more we talk about these issues, the more evidence we have to show that they have some faulty component that is corrupting devices.

Unsure if you've had the same problem as me or perhaps you like to provide free advice to posters, I'm not sure, but thanks for your input and opinion.

May 24, 2018 6:33 AM in response to jbzlez

jbzlez wrote:

Furthermore, I beg to differ that "nothing said by anyone here will make a difference." I've just had a phone call from the Apple rep after I sent a detailed email to her with the multitude of Apple threads/posts links about this issue and the fact that so many have had it happen and have commented in the Apple forums has actually pressed my case further and they are now actively involved in trying to resolve this issue for me. The rep may not come to the party and offer me a full refund or new phone but by seeing the amount of evidence via the forums this raised concerns for her and her team to investigate. It may be lip service but I'm about to get it checked by an expert who I hope will further my case that they have faulty components/hardware.

Or, they are working with you because you have been persistent and polite. That's usually what works.

May 24, 2018 1:04 PM in response to IdrisSeabright

Yes you are right, I have been persistent and polite. Yesterday I was told my phone is unrepairable and the authorised Apple provider said that Apple has agreed to pay for a full replacement. I am very pleased with this, as I dont need to go through my insurance which comes with having to pay excess and will affect my non-claims bonus. This is satisfactory for me but I hope others in the same boat go the extra mile and try to explain their case as I did with facts and some evidence.

The way that I was advised they would offer me a new device seems a bit suspect and I tend to wonder whether they know about this and are not advertising this fault as it is possibly isolated to a few hundred/thousand and are using a case by case basis to put it right however if someone doesn't do their research then I think they would most probably just get a new device via insurance which is quite sad really - anyway that's my speculation for the day.

Once I actually get the new phone I will post here as I have been "told" I will get a replacement but you never know what may happen.....watch this space.

May 28, 2018 1:03 PM in response to monika260

That's terrible Monika.

A few questions for you;

What model phone was yours?

How did it happen? Sitting on charge, dropped it etc?

Did you ring and talk to an Apple rep about it? What did they say?

Did you damage it in anyway or was it strictly a result of a defect?

Personally, I think it's a defect or a defective batch. The more we discuss and share this issue the sooner Apple takes fault and rectifies this?

Just FYI I have been offered a replacement free of charge from Apple for being a "loyal" customer and the Apple rep said they would make an exception for me for the "impact damage". I explained several times this is not the result of impact damage, it was charging then it cracked. No dropping, no rough use nothing but they still keep saying impact damage. Someone needs to record it happening to prove this once and for all - I know it's difficult to do but I'm sure it's possible.

May 28, 2018 3:00 PM in response to jbzlez

Hi, it was model 8, and no I didn’t drop it and had it in my case with screen protector on, just was walking and all off a sudden my screen was stuck at the apple logo and then I noticed the crack.

Wish I was more persistent at the apple store, they just told me that it’s unfortunate that this happened but nothing they can do, I had to pay for the repair

iPhone 8/ 8 plus home button cracked

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